Seat map
You can purchase your seat:
PROMO! Up to -50% off "seat selection" service fares. The price ‘from’ depends on the flight distance and time before departure. The earlier the cheaper!
*Learn more about the prices (excluding current promo discounts) for onboard seats here.
**The number of seats is limited, please contact the flight attendants for information.
To get a refund, please contact us.
If you decide not to book a seat in advance, we will assign you one randomly free of charge during check-in.
If there are 2 or more passengers in the booking and the seat is selected only for one of them, all other passengers will be assigned seats at random.
In the event of a voluntary change in the flight date, a purchased selected seat onboard is not guaranteed and the cost of the service will not be refunded. You will need to purchase the seat selection again on a changed date.
The hand baggage shelf above the passenger seat is not assigned to a seat. The stowage compartments under numbers 1 ABC and 1 DEF, located above the first row, are occupied by emergency and rescue equipment as well as the onboard entertainment system. As a result, in the interest of safety, the placement of hand luggage in these compartments is prohibited.
Safety regulations
- persons who physically and mentally are not able to open an emergency exit door;
- children and teenagers (2-18 yrs.), including Unaccompanied minors;
- passengers with infants and/or children;
- passengers with pet animals;
- passengers whose physical size would prevent them from being able to move quickly;
- passengers who, due to language problems, might not become aware of instructions given in Kazakh, English, or Russian, or ;
- senior passengers;
- pregnant women;
- passengers who require extension seat belts;
- passengers with special needs;
If it’s not possible to provide a similar seat type (premium seats on 1st and emergency exit rows, seats on rows 2-4, and standard seats on 5-11/14-30 rows) due to aircraft change, flight delay, or cancellation, the passenger can make a refund. A full refund is permitted, and the passenger is transferred to a free seat.
To proceed with a refund please contact the sales agent that issued the service and provide a scanned copy of your boarding pass with the Security service stamp. We cannot process refund applications at the airport or on board.
Refunds are NOT available in the following cases:
Seat map