How to book

Booking confirmation code

After you have completed your booking, you will receive a confirmation code  - this is what you need for check-in.

Booking confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address, which includes

  • a unique booking confirmation code
  • ticket number
  • flight number
  • the date and time of travel
  • departure and destination details
  • ticket price
  • ancillary information and price
  • travel information

We carry passengers directly between two cities. We don’t offer a flight connection service; therefore you will need to check in with your baggage for each separate journey.


The contact information you provided when making the reservation might be used for sending notifications regarding flight changes. We need the following contact information:

  • mobile telephone number;
  • e-mail address.

FlyArystan  is not liable for any damages arising from cases where the e-mail address and/or telephone number provided was inaccurate, or if the passenger did not have access to, or failed to regularly check, the e-mail address provided or if the passenger was not reachable on any of the telephone numbers provided.