Flight status confirmation

If your flight has been delayed or canceled and you need confirmation of the changes in flight departure times, we can issue a Confirmation Letter, signed and stamped, containing the main information: flight number, departure date and status. In order to receive this Confirmation Letter, please enter the flight number and departure date, then click «Generate letter».

Arline Code
Flight Number

Confirmation letter can be issued only in a currency that was used for purchasing a ticket.

In order to receive Confirmation letter about flight cancellation/delay, please send an email with your request to: customer.relations@flyarystan.com

Confirmation letter for confirming the fares, fares valid on specific dates or flight segments cannot be issued. You can find fare and flight direction information on our website.

No other Confirmation letters can be provided, and requests for other confirmation letters will not be considered.

Passing the ticket to the third parties or providing them with information allowing determining ticket number, the passenger agrees to receive this reference by these persons. In this case, the airline is not responsible for access of the data by the third parties.

For the requests sent to cc@flyarystan.com by the third party please send a notarization, or a guarantee letter or letter from the passenger(s) (scanned copy with signature - all templates in free form), that he /she (they) do not have any claims for the provision of his /her (their) confidential information to a third party. Otherwise, the request will not be processed.

If your confirmation letter is not formed on the website, please contact cc@flyarystan.com

The document will be provided within 5 working days and free of charge.