

Flight tickets from Urumqi (China) to Shymkent (Kazakhstan)

Direct flights to Shymkent from Urumqi are available from May 22, 2023, and cheap flights can be purchased now. A one-way non-stop flight in this direction lasts 3 hours and 5 minutes. The air carrier is the company FlyArystan.

Why are we trustworthy

FlyArystan is a subsidiary of Air Astana, the leader of the airline segment in Central Asia. It provides support in the field of security, training and services.

The service has been in existence since May 2019. Today we operate a network of low-cost flights on modern A320 CEO and NEO aircraft from bases in Astana, Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau and Shymkent.

Affordable prices, a choice of numerous services, promotions and discounts for regular passengers are the main reasons why our passengers trust us.

Where to buy a plane ticket from Urumqi to Shymkent

Go back to the main page. A search will be open in front of you with a choice of direction, date and number of passengers. Enter the cities accordingly, select the date of the flight of interest, set the number of passengers. Click the search button and buy cheap flights from Urumqi to Shymkent.

The cost of the Urumqi - Shymkent plane ticket

The lowest prices for direct flights Urumqi — Shymkent are when tickets are purchased in advance. Adopt the rule: it will be cheaper if you buy earlier.

Another couple of thousand tenge will be saved if you buy tickets directly on the airline's website. This way you will not lose money on the commission.

You can see how much a plane ticket to Shymkent from Urumqi costs at the search stage in the drop-down calendar of flights.

Sightseeing places of Shymkent

The most interesting sights:

  • Shymkent Dendrological Park. 120 hectares with hundreds of flora species, including those listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.
  • Shymkent Zoo. Located opposite the Dendrological Park, it was opened a year later. More than 70 representatives of the fauna are happy to welcome good-natured visitors.
  • Abai Park. The Central city Park of Culture and Recreation. It is named after the poet and philosopher Abai Kunanbayev. Long alleys, cozy cafes, modern attractions are a great place for leisurely walks.

We remind you that you can book tickets in the FlyArystan mobile app for iOS and Android.

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