Direct flights from Atyrau to Astana are operated 4 times a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Tickets for flights are on sale until 29 March 2025. The lowest ticket fares start from 16,000 Tenge ($35) and are still available for flights departing in March.
When planning a tourist or business trip, the best option would be to fly at a favorable price. The low-cost carrier FlyArystan offers cheap flights to this destination. It is very easy to buy tickets on the airline’s website — just choose the right date of departure, specify the number of adults, children, and infants, choose the type of baggage, preferred seats or other services, if necessary.
FlyArystan operates flights 5 days a week on modern Airbus A320 jets with a capacity of 180 passengers.
As we operate direct flights from Atyrau to Astana you can significantly save travel time. Low-cost flights have the following distinctions:
It is important to know some special aspects of booking in order to buy flight ticketflight tickets at a cheap price.
One of the well-known rules that will help you save your money is to book tickets in the middle (Tuesday or Wednesday) or at the end of the week, for example, on Saturday. Many passengers travel on weekends, so there is little chance to buy cheap Atyrau—Astana flight ticketflight tickets.
Early booking is very important when buying flight ticketflight tickets. If you have already planned the dates of your trip, you should buy tickets in advance to significantly benefit from lower prices. Seasonality also plays a role in the pricing policy for the Atyrau—Astana flight. In warmer months, the demand is increased, and the ticket price rises as well.
If you travel with a carry-on bag or a small backpack, ticket prices may be lower.
FlyArystan, a low-cost division of Air Astana, meets all the international safety standards in the field of air transportation. Highly qualified crew, a modern fleet, and professional aircraft maintenance make travelling with us comfortable. Thank you for choosing FlyArystan.